Sunday, February 23, 2020

Conflict between Turkey vs. PKK (Kurdish terrorist group) within Research Paper

Conflict between Turkey vs. PKK (Kurdish terrorist group) within 1992-2002 - Research Paper Example The PKK is a recognized Kurdish terrorist group. Before September 11, 2001, it might have been considered a rebel group, but following the events of that day an international effort was put in place to try to limit and disrupt such organizations and cut off their financing. Lists were drawn up by the United States and its allies. Turkey was given the go ahead to taker serious actions against the PKK and eventually arrested its leaders. Today the PKK is still a threat, but its significance is limited. The current Turkish government is more liberal than many have recently been on the Kurdish questions and has been more open to the Kurds. New freedoms have taken some of the sting out of the PKK and turned ordinary Kurds away from them. The creation of de facto Kurdistan state in northern Iraq has also released pressure. The world has changed a lot over the last century. Terrorism has shifted too. It is now a global phenomenon motivated by a distorted global ideology. The PKK has lot a lot power because of this in recent

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